Christ spent more time healing than preaching. Our gospel message has no credibility apart from a visible demonstration of compassionate,
practical ministry. Relational needs are the bridge to the unchurched. We must stretch across the cultural and social barriers our society
has raised and mold caring, patient relationships with those we wish to reach. When we have achieved his relational approach
to soul winning we will succeed in the work Christ has given us and see true renewal and growth in the church. 




The mission of our Children's Ministry is to nurture children into a loving, serving relationship with Jesus.

Sabbath School Classes:

Cradle Roll: Birth to 3 years
Kindergarten: 4 to 6 years
Primary: 7 to 9 years
Juniors: 10 to 13 years
Teen to Young Adult: 14 to 18 years



The mission of our Rise Youth Church is to “to lead young people into a saving relationship 
with Jesus Christ and help them embrace His call to discipleship."

Saturdays at 7 pm



Our goal is to use social events as a means to facilitate our outreach efforts to reach individuals for Christ's Kingdom.
Following the approach of Christ, we mingle with people, meet their physical needs, then share the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ with them.





To model Jesus Christ through meaningful and effective ministries.


Provide opportunities for women to deepen their faith and experience spiritual growth and renewal.

Build up women as persons of worth through nurturing, encouraging and uplifting one another.

Connecting women through meaningful activities and events.

Create opportunities for service amongst each other.

Challenge women to use their talents and spiritual gifts for the glory of God in the home, church, and community.


The Men’s Ministries has one goal and vision: to assist men with their walk with Christ.

Our desire is to bring men together to build lasting relationships that will strengthen their walk with Jesus Christ. To build their
devotion to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior in a way that will give them endurance to live a victorious life that
allows their family, friends, colleagues and the younger generations to find their fulfillment in Christ.




Health Ministries Department welcomes you. Our health is the most important of all assets.  Many people function fairly well and some even surpass 
expectations when challenged by sickness, disease, and death.  However, God’s plan is that we prosper and be in health, always remembering
that our overall health is dependent on our spiritual prosperity (see 3 John 2).

Related Information

KCXM 95.1